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Prayer for World Children’s Rights Day
Katawin Village, Bosset, Membok Story

We were six, staff, VHV and volunteers…

Alleviate Suffering through perseverance for Education

There are millions of disadvantaged children in the world…

JPIC, Everyday is a Mother Earth Day

Tony Galon, JPIC International Comittee

International day of the child
Toward an urgent ecological conversion

The time of the pandemic has made us rethink our lives and the way we act towards the common home…

World Day Against Trafficking in Human Persons

World Day Against Trafficking in Human Persons takes place each year on July 30th

World Environment Day 2021, June 5, 2021

This year Pakistan will host World Environment Day and embrace the theme of Ecosystem Restoration: resetting our relationship with nature.

Conservation Easement

Conservation Easement Makes Land “Our Common Home”

Mother Earth
World women’s day 2021
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