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Session on financial issues in Congo

Sister Judith TSHIATA et Valérie MBOMA, DW, Congo

The Daughters of Wisdom of the Entity of Congo benefited from the visit of Sisters Isabelle Retailleau, General Counselor in charge of Congo and Ruth Dary Palacio, Treasurer General. This is the first time that Sister Dary arrives in Congo.

Congrégation des Filles de la Sagesse

By visiting the different communities, the sisters became aware of the reality of the management of communities and works. A session on financial issues was held on October 18 in Kisangani at the Delegation house, for local treasurers, works managers and community leaders. After the opening prayer, facilitated by Sister Marie Thérèse WATUNDAKE, Treasurer of the Delegation, Sister Isabelle, General Councilor spoke to explain to the sisters the reasons for this formation: an opportunity for the sisters to become aware of their important responsibility in the financial management of the Entity. Sister Isabelle insisted, the growth of the Entity depends on the way we manage.

In turn, Sister Dary, the General Treasurer and facilitator of the session, introduced the session with an exercise where each participant had to build her own house by adding what she thought would beautify her home. The sisters took turns presenting their houses, explaining why there was such and such a decoration in the house. An exercise that plunged us into the heart of the session.

Four words formed the basis of this meeting namely: Transparency, Justice, Management and Responsibility. This session has given us tools that will allow us to continue to progress in our desire for the growth of the Delegation and a more transparent and fair management. We understood how the way of managing leads to the accomplishment of the mission of the Delegation and the fulfillment of our mission as treasurers.

At the end of the session, each sister expressed what she retained, her joy of better understanding the mission entrusted, her desire to do better in the future and a renewed motivation to move towards good management.

We sincerely want to thank sisters Isabelle and Dary for this time of fellowship, exchange and formation. May Christ, Incarnate Wisdom, sustain us more and more in our efforts to progress in the joy of serving Him.

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