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You will find all the articles on this page. They are a snap shot of the life of the Daughters of Wisdom on the five continents. Our sisters live with the people, they support the development of the peoples through education and care. We invite you to travel with us.

PROVINCE OF HAITI: A house with open doors

Soccer is a game that awakens a spirit of community and solidarity in young people…

Bulletin n°9

Daring a Pachal way of seeing

Food security and sustainability among the widows of sitima in Malawi

Food is an essential part of human life sustainability…

Toward an urgent ecological conversion

The time of the pandemic has made us rethink our lives and the way we act towards the common home…

World Day Against Trafficking in Human Persons

World Day Against Trafficking in Human Persons takes place each year on July 30th

A Love that Transcends Difference

Throughout our lives we all experience difference…


Vocational awakening is part of the mission of the Daughters of Wisdom in the DRC…

Clothed in God’s Love

What about God’s love which is unconditional?…

Testimony: the touching journey of sister Albertine
World Environment Day 2021, June 5, 2021

This year Pakistan will host World Environment Day and embrace the theme of Ecosystem Restoration: resetting our relationship with nature.

“Come and See”  – R.D Congo
Pentecost 2021

“You will receive the power of the Holy Spirit and you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Conservation Easement

Conservation Easement Makes Land “Our Common Home”

A fraternity in solidarity

A fraternity in solidarity based on a nourished faith…

Bulletin n°8

The Gospel Comes Alive Today

From one Feast to the Next – 2021

At this historical moment in the life of the Congregation …

Mother Earth
“Being responsible for the fragility of others ”

Did you know that a sixth sense develops in an elderly and sick person?

Understanding My Vocation
Easter 2021

“Christ, risen and glorified, is the wellspring of all our hope.” Pope Francis EG 275
