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Chapter news n°2


MESSAGE FROM SISTER RANI on the first day of the General Chapter

Welcome to each one of you for the first day of the General Chapter 2024. On behalf of all the sisters of the Congregation, I would like to thank our Facilitator, Matthieu Daum, and the members of the Chapter Planning Committee: Sr. Evelyn Eckhardt, Sr. Mary Chimalizeni, Sr. Lamercie Estinfort, Sr. Consuelo del Pilar Sarmiento Rojas, Sr. Marie-Reine Gauthier, General Councilor, link with the Chapter Committee.

From the very beginning, under the guidance of Matthieu Daum, our Facilitator, they worked tirelessly to produce all the necessary documents and reflections to help us in the preparation of this Chapter.

I also express my gratitude and sincere thanks to the other members of the General Council: Sr. Isabelle Retailleau, Sr. Antonella Prestia, Sr. Pierrette Bwamba, and Sr. Ruth Dary Palacio Parra, General Treasurer, for your collaboration and participation in preparation for this Chapter.

I express my sincere gratitude to each one of you dear Sisters and in a very special way, the Entity Leaders, for accompanying our Sisters to embrace this new journey towards the Chapter. Your commitment and collaboration helped us to engage all the Sisters in the preparation of the General Chapter and to move forward as a Congregational body.
