As we celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, the theme set by the United Nations for 2025 is: “Accelerating Action”. This theme calls for urgent action to address gender inequalities and achieve parity. It resonates deeply with all of us. We honor the achievements of women throughout history, including Blessed Marie-Louise Trichet, as well as all the women who came before us, to raise awareness about gender equality and women’s rights.
We, at UNANIMA International, represent 23 communities of religious women and serve as a platform for women to share their stories, connect with other women, and demand action from Member States, governments, and institutions.
Despite progress made over the years, women continue to face significant barriers to equality. In many parts of the world, they are paid less than men for the same work, denied access to education and healthcare, and subjected to violence and discrimination.
As UNANIMA International / Daughters of Wisdom, our own lives must reflect our opposition to anything that dehumanizes or disempowers people, especially those who are treated unjustly. This is also an integral part of our spiritual growth and must be reflected in our just relationship with our God of Wisdom.
Sr. Jean Quinn
Executive Director of UNANIMA International
Sr. Jean Quinn
Executive Director of UNANIMA International
What we need is a gender justice perspective that requires all genders to work together in partnership. This perspective invites us to examine and deconstruct power relations across the diversity of gender identities, paying particular attention to those at the intersection of gender with race, color, sexuality, social class, disability, and poverty.
International Women’s Day is a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggles for women’s rights and achievements, as well as the continuing fight for an equal world. UNANIMA International, along with NGOs, civil society, the UN, and Member States, can and must work together in the following key areas that require action:
– Investing in women: a human rights issue
– Ending the feminization of poverty
– Implementing gender-sensitive financing
Imagine a world where genders are equal. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A diverse, equitable, and inclusive world. A world where differences are valued and celebrated. Together, we can build equality for women.
Sr. Jean Quinn
Executive Director of UNANIMA International