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Experience in environmental care and protection.


One of the cross-curricular projects at Nuestra Señora de la Sabiduría de Acacías School is the PRAE project, in which the school’s environmental managers participate, as well as representatives of the students in the classes who constantly help to ensure that the projects’ objectives are pursued. Through their attitude and commitment, they encourage their classmates to participate in activities that benefit the planet. The teachers of the natural sciences and mathematics also accompany the development of the project.

Some of the most relevant actions that have been pursued are the correct selection and disposal of waste, maintaining order and cleanliness of the common areas. In this way, the commitment to take care of the Common House has been promoted among the students. Several activities of this order were developed, such as: recycling corks, bottles and paper to donate to a family that survives on recycling in the municipality of Acacias – Meta. This activity has generated a very positive impact on the school community.

To reinforce the “no” to disposable waste, students were encouraged to carry thermoses and water containers, thus avoiding the purchase of disposable cups.

From the internal processes and the permanent activities of sensitization, the habit has been developed of not throwing the garbage on the ground and of depositing it in the containers that rest in the patios and in the classrooms. Three garbage cans are placed in each classroom for the classification of waste generated in the school.

In this framework of taking care of the Common House and of solidarity with those who do not have toys, a DONATON of used toys was organized in the first semester. The students had to wash, clean and refurbish them to donate them to the children of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare. Considering that the vast majority of these toys would end up being thrown away by the students, this is an opportunity to reuse them and motivate the students for a socio-environmental awareness that affects their lives.

A negative experience demotivated the students in the recycling process because they found that the public company that collects the city’s waste, mixes all the waste and there is still no commitment from government entities against this environmental problem. As Pope Francis says in the Encyclical Laudato Si at number 21 “The earth, our home, seems to be becoming, more and more, a huge garbage dump.”

The school celebrates Science Day every year. On this day, students show great interest in generating domestic projects aimed at taking care of the environment; they identify with scientists who contribute to taking care of the planet; they carry out projects such as the preparation of food based on flat coconuts or extracted from leaves among others; all this with the aim of fostering the development of a scientific and at the same time environmental awareness.

Activities focused on awakening in students a strong commitment to our planet and solidarity with the most disadvantaged are carried out permanently.

PRAE Activities (Colsabi-Acacias)

Environmental calendar

Developed by:
ProfessorDiego Humberto Cubillos González, Environmental project coordinator.
Hna. Gisela Huertas Torres, Delegated legal representative.
