As Daughters of Wisdom, in a “Church that goes forth”, we have heard the call of Wisdom Incarnate to be witnesses to the Reign of God, welcoming “God hidden in our neighbor” , without distinction of race, religion, class, gender or age, with a heart without fear and without borders.
Filled with eagerness to love without borders, we commit ourselves to:
Reconfigure our governance structures, creating new bonds among us. We are ready to go beyond the borders of our Entities to work together in a movement of creativity and to expand our collaboration. The future opens before us who have faith in Wisdom who “traverses and renews all things” (Wis. 7:24, 27).
Live interculturality. We choose to live interculturality in the daily reality of community life. Joyfully, we proclaim the Reign of God, sharing our faith and gifts, our values and vulnerabilities. Called to live in interdependence, we rediscover and bring together in harmony the richness of our differences.
Revisit our vision of mission in light of our charism.
As we develop and live availability for mission, walking humbly with Wisdom:
– we journey alongside others in the reality of their lives, allowing ourselves to be evangelized by them, listening to them and forging bonds of mutuality with them;
– we collaborate with women and men engaged in the movement for justice, peace and “care for our common home, the Earth” ;
– we respond to the invitation to be close to young people, even as they challenge us with their search for meaning and their desire for accompaniment;
– we are present to life, with open hands and hearts, responding creatively to the cries of the world and the calls of the Church;
– we strengthen our collaboration within the Montfortian Family;
– we rejoice in continued growth of the Friends of Wisdom, sharing the same Wisdom Charism and walking hand in hand for the sake of mission.
Intensify vocation awareness.
We give priority to the accompaniment of young people. We offer them spaces for sharing and deepening their faith, spaces for discerning God’s call.
Like Wisdom who cries out at the crossroads (Prov 8: 2), like Mary who sets out in haste to visit Elizabeth (Lk 1: 39), let us go forth to meet life. Faced with new poverties, let us seek, contemplate and reveal the many faces of Wisdom at work in the world. Let us embark on the way of ongoing conversion, of inclusion, of daring and risk, loving with a heart without borders, open wide to Creation and our God.
Opening Ritual General Chapter 2018
1.Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, no. 20.
2.St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, Canticle 149.
3.Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, no. 1.