About the Daughters of Wisdom

According to the wishes of our Founder, St Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, we are: « Women consecrated to Christ Wisdom, devoured by love for the poor, in order to live the folly of the Gospel. » Marie-Louise Trichet, first Daughter of Wisdom, concretized this evangelical inspiration by founding the first communities of the Daughters of Wisdom among the poor and the excluded of society.
The Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom is an Institute of apostolic life founded by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort on February 2nd 1703 in Poitiers, France
To spread the fire of love on earth, the Holy Spirit entrusts individuals from each age with the gifts necessary to look anew on the realities of their times. To some, he gives the charism of Founder, source of a specific spirituality and a mission to be transmitted to disciples who will continue to pass it on.
We are an International Religious Congregation, founded in 1703 by Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort and Blessed Marie-Louise Trichet, first Daughter of Wisdom. We work with the populations in the fields of Health, Education, Pastoral, …
Currently, the Daughters of Wisdom, are present in these countries:
Our Logo’s aim is to reveal the essential mission of the Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom.
Sr Pierrette Bwamba, Sr Antonella Prestia, Sr. Rani Kurian, Sr Marie-Reine Gauthier and Sr Isabelle Retailleau.
I therefore want to pay homage to this branch of the Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom, founded in 1859, which played an important role in the mission of the Larnay Institution.
Journey of Initial Formation in the Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom
Daughters of Wisdom, by our entire life we express the ardent love of Wisdom, who proposes a way of true happiness to everyone…
This is the invitation that is addressed to us in the logo chosen for the Chapter: one heart both rooted in the world and open in a movement of love without borders!
Throughout history, Jesus Christ Wisdom calls and prepares friends of God and prophets.
Today, He is counting on you and sending you!
He calls you to take your life in your hands and make of it a masterpiece.
Our Vision is the development of each person to their full potential and the development of peoples so they become architects of their own destiny with a particular focus on women and children.
Promoting the evangelical values of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation is at the heart of our mission as Daughters of Wisdom. Aware of the threats weighing on our Common Home and on human rights, we carry out this mission.
Friends of Wisdom are laity who share the spirituality and the mission of the Daughters of Wisdom, a religious Congregation founded by St. Louis Marie of Montfort and Blessed Marie Louise Trichet, in Poitiers, France, in 1703.