“Following in the footsteps of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort and Blessed Marie-Louise de Jésus, we, the Daughters of Wisdom, are called to seek out, contemplate and reveal Wisdom at the heart of today’s world. Sent in the name of Christ Wisdom, we work for the integral growth and liberation of humanity through education, health, social action, pastoral care and any other activity linked to our charism, according to the needs of our contexts (RV n°3).
Call to become disciples of Wisdom
Present on five continents, we welcome young people from all cultures, ready to consecrate themselves to God and to commit themselves freely to the service of the Gospel in church and society. “The divine call to love is an experience that cannot be silenced”, said Pope Francis in his message for the 60th World Day of Prayer for Vocations. That’s why the door of the Daughters of Wisdom is always open to welcome young people who want to know a little more about our vocation and our congregation. We invite them to discover our charism and our spirituality through some videos made by the Daughters of Wisdom, talking about the Congregation and the sisters’ mission around the world.
“I sought Wisdom from my youth and fell in love with her beauty. I decided to make her the companion of my life” (Wis 8:2.9). Colombian Sister Nubia Duque shares her joy at following Christ Wisdom. She also highlights the richness of the Daughters of Wisdom charism, which is based on revealing God’s love to all, without discrimination. Sr Nubia encourages young people to discover this charism and, above all, to experience it by responding generously to God’s call.