Delegation Great Britain – Ireland
“This is the time, this is the year, this is the new moment of waiting for the Star to guide us towards horizons of Hope.” William Faulkner
“And there, ahead of them, went the Star they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was.” Matthew 2:9
“Hoping against hope!
Today, amid so much darkness we need to see the light of hope and bring hope to others;
it is to open up a horizon of hope!” Pope Francis EG
New Year 2021
“Hope does not disappoint us for the love of God has been poured into our hearts.” Romans 5: 3-5
January is a month for courageous and hopeful beginnings. Yet, so many of us are starting the New Year 2021 with more anxiety and uncertainty than usual. Looking ahead to a New Year that holds such uncertainty is difficult, but that very uncertainty gives us space for hope. Having just celebrated the Incarnation of the Word made flesh who dwells among us, we have good reason to hope and to be witnesses to this hope. It is a time to remember how Christ came to restore hope and harmony to a fractured world. This special season assures us that we can be courageous and radiate love, hope and goodness to others. As 2021 begins and days slowly move from darkness into light may hope be born in our hearts
As we begin another year, what is the basis of your hope and trust? What seeds of hope can you bring to others this year?
Are there any thoughts and feelings that you might need to let go of, so that you can move into 2021 with faith, hope and trust in God’s love for you and all of Creation? Each new day offers us new opportunities and new possibilities to walk along the paths of hope. Take some moments to reflect on these things.
“Hope is like a lamp that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” 2 Peter 1:19
It is a beautiful thing on a dark but clear night to gaze up at the stars and at certain times one star will shine more brightly than the others. On the feast of the Epiphany the Wise Men from the East are led by the light of a star to where Christ is born. They had followed the star from their different countries, not sure of where it would lead them but aware that it was of great significance.
“Just as a star led them to the Christ Child, so we are called to be Stars leading others to Divine Love. Others are also stars for us, leading us to the Christ Child. In each of us, this manifestation of darkness into light is a gift of hope and encouragement.” Joyce Rupp: The Circle of Life p 279
After they had knelt down and worshipped Him they opened their treasure chests and offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. But the gifts the Wise Men brought are our gifts too. Each of us is loved and precious to God…as precious as pure gold. Frankincense is the gift of ourselves to God in prayer and worship. Myrrh is the gift of our remaining faithful to God in times of our own suffering and the suffering of others. This Epiphany…
What can I give Him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb.
If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part.
Yet what can I give Him?
I give Him my heart.
Christina Rossetti
Star of Love, unite our hearts With the heart of the whole world.
The Wise Men came from the East and were filled with very great joy on seeing the child. They later returned to their own countries and were the first to proclaim the Good News to their own people and beyond. As we celebrate the New Year 2021 let us be led by a Star to be people of joy and hope, safe in the knowledge that Christ is present within the heart of the whole world for Love has no Borders. Let us go forth each day with Hope in our hearts.
“Openness of heart knows no boundaries and transcends differences of origin, nationality, colour, religion, language or culture. “ Pope Francis Fratelli Tutti p7
Let us Pray
Star of Wonder, Radiant Goodness,
we turn to you this New Year as the Source of Love.
Keep us mindful of your presence always.
Shine this goodness and Love on every person
I meet along the way and
draw us into the heart of your Love.
May we bring hope into our world
and may all Creation be at Peace.
Source image: Pixabay