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Solidarity activities carried out by the Huánuco Community

Pastoral listening and spiritual support during covid-19

In response, at the request of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference and the Diocese of Huánuco, two sisters participate in the pastoral care of listening and spiritual support. In this context of COVID-19, From Monday to Friday (afternoon), the sisters give this telephone listening service to people who need to be listened to.

• Prepare audios and other materials for spiritual and emotional guidance.
• The community welcomes and prays for people’s intentions, those in need of prayer because of COVID-19 disease and others.
• Psycho-spiritual support is provided from Monday to Friday (afternoon).

CONFER ZONAL-HCO, Inter-congregational Listening Team Organization

At the request of our parish priest, the community participates in locating families who are in extreme poverty, to give them a food voucher, offered by Caritas Huánuco

The community provided economic support to:

• A young painter who was in poverty (hunger)
• A Venezuelan family where both spouses are without work.
• Support to 6 extremely poor families in the San Luis region.

Huánuco blind education and rehabilitation centre, Cerci-Hco.
Organized virtual education (cell phone, Whatsapp…, etc.) for primary, secondary and rehabilitation of children, youth, blind and visually impaired adults.

The CERCI-HCO project provides a food basket for blind students, workers and people living in extreme poverty. Four workers received COVID-19 economic support during the quarantine months.

Angelo Longhi-Creval physical rehabilitation centre project

• Accompanies by telephone children living with a disability from the CREVAL Project.
• Provided a wheelchair for a disabled patient who has been abandoned.


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